My Bacon & Chicken Pizza Recipe!

February 11, 2009

Hey gang, I’ve made the ultimate meat lovers pizza and I’ve took some photos of the pie, Yes I know the photos are poor but that what happens when your batteries die in a photo shoot.

1. The Crisper.

2.The ingredients.

3.The Basic Pizza Dough.

4.The sauce.

5.The bacon layer 1.

6.The Chicken.

7.The second layer of Bacon.

8.The Toppings.

9. The fin product

By the way a 2 liter of soda becomes a kick ass rolling pin!

A few things I want to point out.

I didn’t have any shredded cheese since my last 2 pies took care of that for me and I’ve substituted it with sliced cheese !

I didn’t add mushrooms or pine apple since this is a meat lovers pizza!

I used 2 cups of all purpus flour & a cup of mesa flour for the pizza crust!


If you wish to make this monster of a pie at home please shoot me an email and I will tell you what you need!